

  閻連科,中國當代著名作家,1958年出生出生于河南嵩縣,1978年應徵入伍,1985年畢業於河南大學政教系、1991年畢業於解放軍藝術學院文學系。1979年開始寫作,主要作品有長篇小說《情感欲》、《日光流年》、《堅硬如水》、《受活》、《為人民服務》、《丁莊夢》等 八部,中、短篇小說集《年月日》、《黃金洞》、《耙耬天歌》、《朝著東南走》等十餘部,散文、言論集五部;另有《閻連科文集》十二卷。曾先後獲第一、第二屆魯迅文學獎,第三屆老舍文學獎和其他國內外文學獎項 二十餘次。其作品被譯為日、韓、越、法、英、德、意大利、荷蘭、以色列、西班牙、塞爾維亞等十餘種語言,在二十多個國家和地區出版。是當代中國最具良知、最有爆發力卻又最受爭議的作家。2004年退出軍界,現為人民大學教授。

Yan Lianke's Biography:   

  Yan Lianke is the famous contemporary Chinese writer. He was born in Song county, Henan province in 1958. In 1978 he joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. He graduated in Political Education at Henan University in 1985, and graduated in Literature at PLA Academy of Art in 1991. Since 1979 he started his writing career, he has published eight novels, including Sensibilities, Years after Years, As Hard as Water, Pleasure, Serving People, Dreams of Ding Village; ten novellas, including Year Month and Date, Golden Cave, Heaven Song of Pan Lou, Toward Southeast; five volumes of prose and discourse, and twelve volumes of Collection of Yan Lianke. His works get national and international awards more of twenty times, including the 1st and 2nd Lu Xun Literature Prize, and 3rd Lao She Literature Prize. His works has been translated and introduced to many countries, for instance, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Holland, Israel, Spain and Serbia. There have been much dispute over his writing in China, and he has stood as a writer with deep conscience and great passion. In 2004, he quit the Chinese People’s Libration Army. Now, he is a professor at Renmin University in Beijing.

> 其他作家