2-29 January 2014


  • Updated on 9 January 2014

Updated Participant List

Updated Poster Session (International Conference) Presentation List (with names of presenters and presentation titles)

Updated Junior Scientist, Postdoc and Student Workshops Rundown

  • Updated on 24 December 2013

General information, including schedules of the Tutorials and Lectures, and the International Conference, the social functions and general facts about the campus, is now available for download (Click Here).  A more complete version to include all activities will be available soon. 


The IAS Program on Frontiers of Soft Matter Physics: from Non-equilibrium Dynamics to Active Matter aims to bring together researchers currently working in the area of soft condensed matter physics, including both world leading scientists and young scientists including postdoctoral fellows and graduate students, to present their most exciting work in the frontiers of soft matter research and to have stimulating discussions about the recent development and future directions in the field. It is a 3-week-long program to be held in the new IAS building. In the first week of the program (6-10 January), serial lectures will be arranged in each day to cover several key topics of current interests in soft matter physics. These serial lectures are designed for the graduate students, postdocs and other junior scientists and they will have plenty of time for discussions during the entire week. An international conference will take place in the second week (13-17 January), focusing on three main themes: (1) jamming, glassy dynamics and novel assembly in soft matter, (2) instabilities, rheology and dynamic properties of soft matter and (3) emergent phenomena in soft and active matters. In the third week of the program (20-24 January), we will organize student/postdoc/junior-scientist workshops for the junior participants to present their research results and to have in-depth discussions on their research. Through these activities the participants, particularly the participating graduate students, postdocs and junior scientists, will have an excellent opportunity to exchange new ideas with the top researchers in soft matter physics and to showcase their recent research work through stimulating discussions and poster sessions. The program as a whole will provide a unique platform for exchange and stimulation of interesting new ideas in soft matter physics and for collaboration among the participants.

Program poster is available for download here.


HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study


HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study
School of Science, HKUST
Department of Physics, HKUST
Department of Mathematics, HKUST
Postgraduate Students Conference / Seminar Grant of the Research Grants Council, Hong Kong


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